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Flattening The Curve: Pilates in 2020
The Coronavirus, a pandemic responsible for infecting hundreds of thousands of people in more than 130 countries has changed our world. The death toll is devastating. Covid-19 has caused a new norm of working from home, Zoom meetings, social distancing, sheltering in place and the expression “flattening the curve.” It refers to the projected number of people who could contract this horrific virus. Obviously, we want to flatten this number. However, the expression is not new at all. Joseph Pilates was revolutionary in the fitness world.
Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome and Pilates
It is fair to say that most of us want to have control of our body and not allow our bodies to control our movements, our actions, our ability to live life in the way we choose. Can you imagine picking up a package from your front step and having the discs in your back give out? How about swiveling around in your office chair when a co-worker calls out your name, what if that simple action caused you to end up with a sprained ankle? For some these scenarios may seem crazy. If you have Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome you understand exactly what I am talking about.
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